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Cinematic Art as a Tool for Resistance

Group Tuition - 10 weeks 
every Sunday 1pm
from 29th september 2024

Over this 10-week course we will learn about cinematic art as a tool for resistance. We will cover key films from across the world and learn more about how to make this work in our own terms as a mobilisation tool.

Over the first half of this course we will watch and discuss political film, highlighting situations from across the world. We shall study film from Palestine, Mexico, Senegal, and Algeria to develop our understanding of politics in these regions, specifically through a leftist lens. Participants will be provided with links to watch each film alongside supplementary texts.

We shall have active discussion, building connections between the source material and the communities we are based in, to explore the ways in which we are all interconnected and open participants understanding of how to mobilise on a local grassroots level in their own communities.

In the second half of this course we shall explore cinematic art from the POV of the maker.

Through key screen writing texts from Vogler, McKee and Yorke we will learn basic story structure and intro to creating characters with room to develop and receive feedback on ideas.

We will also cover an introduction to composition and framing with camera work and discussthe role editing plays in film.

This is an ideal course for activists keen to connect that activism to art and for artists keen to
connect their art to activism.


The course will start on Septemebr 29th (1pm) and will run for 10 weeks. There will be a free/pwyc taster session on Thursday 26th of September at 7pm (BST).

The teacher of this course, Amanda Doherty is an award-winning actor and artist with classical training from Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts, London. Her original work elevates the narratives and experiences of oppressed communities, exploring themes of resilience and vulnerability and has toured across Europe and the USA. Amanda also holds an MA in Film with Distinction from Queen’s University, Belfast. She was selected for BBC Voices 2023 as a screenwriter and has taught film in both informal, community-based settings and at university level. As a photographer she captures people and documents rallies, marches, and protests in her local community. Throughout all mediums, she consistently channels art as a tool for social change.


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